


International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), Vienna, Austria

·                Expert assistance in developing a WWER dry storage experiment

·                Participation in the work of various experts’ commissions, advisory groups

·                Membership in various Co-ordinated Research Projects (Spent Fuel Assessment and Research, Disposal Aspects of L/IL decommissioning waste)

·                Review and evaluation of spent fuel storage national programmes and their safety (Armenia, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland, Romania, Ukraine)

·                Lecturing at Training Courses

·                Review and final editing of various IAEA publications

·                Preparation of a Handbook for the use of the COBRA SFS Code for WWER fuel

·                Safety Analysis Report calculations for the AEOI waste management facility

·                Participation in the work of the Expert Committee on decommissioning

·                Drafting the Technical Report „Preservation of information in long-term decommissioning projects”

Hungarian Atomic Energy Commission Nuclear Safety Directorate (HAEC NSD)

·                Drafting the Hungarian Nuclear Safety Standard (vol. 6.) on Interim Storage of Spent Fuel

·                Drafting a Guidelines document supplementing the Hungarian Nuclear Safety Standard (vol. 6.) on Interim Storage of Spent Fuel

·                Preparation of a Guideline document for the review of the Safety Analysis Report

·                Review of specific questions of radioactive waste management

·                Preparation of a Guideline document for the review of the Periodic Safety Review for an Interim Storage Facility

·                Review of the temperature conditions for dry storage of spent fuel

·                Review of various documents, and preparation of calculations related to the recovery from the fuel damage event on Unit 2 of Paks NPP

·                Preparation of a Safety Guide on the handling of spent fuel

·                Preparation of a Safety Guide on the licensing process for research reactors and spent fuel storage facilities

·                Preparation of a Safety Guide on the design and use of fuel for research reactors

·                Review of spent fuel disposal licensing requirements

·                Regulatory review of safety assessment

·                Review of the preparedness for beyond design basis accidents at nuclear facilities

NPP Paks

·                PSA analysis of the spent fuel storage and handling systems

·                Preparation of the Final Safety Analysis Report and other supporting application for the MVDS dry spent fuel store

·                Participation in the Periodic Safety Review of technology systems

·                Investigations for the application of new fuel types at NPP Paks

·                Reactor physics calculations

·                Investigations and calculations for the relicensing of the C-30 transport cask, on-site measurements

·                Use of the Origen-Arp code for higher burnup and enrichment WWER fuel

·                Participation in the preparation of the Final Safety Analysis Report for NPP Paks

·                Preparation of the Preliminary Decommissioning Plan for the Paks NPP

·                Subcriticality calculations for fuel management and storage

·                Participation in the cleanup and recovery from the fuel damage event at Unit 2 of Paks NPP

·                Providing support for the Reactor Expert Committee of Paks NPP

·                Various supporting physical calculations for new fuel and core monitoring

Public Utility on Radioactive Waste Management (PURAM)

·                Participation in the licensing of the MVDS Phases 2 and 3

·                Application of a new profiled fuel in the MVDS, subcriticality calculations

·                Participation in developing a National Policy for the management of high-level and/or long-lived radioactive waste and spent fuel

·                Preparation of various supporting documents for the MVDS dry spent fuel store

·                Analysis of further extension of Paks MVDS, preparation of tender documents and their evaluation

·                Participation in the preparation of the Decommissioning Plan for Paks NPP

·                Safety Evaluation of the Püspökszilágy Radioactive Waste Treatment and Disposal Facility (RWTDF)

·                Preparation of a Feasibility Study for upgrading the safety of the Püspökszilágy RWTDF

·                Preparation of a Strategy document for the final disposal of high-level and/or long – lived radioactive wastes and the management of spent nuclear fuels in Hungary

·                Licensing of the upgrading of the Püspökszilágy RWTDF

·                Preparation of various decommissioning documents for NPP Paks and the ISFSF


·                Participation in the refurbishment of the active building at the Püspökszilágy RWTDF

·                Providing technical support in the recovery from the fuel damage event at Unit 2 of Paks NPP

·                Design and licensing of a mobile waste treatment unit (NURES) for Unit 2 Paks NPP

·                Licensing of a cask based spent fuel storage facility at the Paks NPP site, beside the existing MVDS facility (in progress)


·                Participation in the preparations for the final disposal of high-level and/or long – lived radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuels in Hungary


·                Participation in the preparation of the Final Safety Analysis Report for NPP Paks

·                Analysis of emptying of the fuel pool at Unit 1 of Paks NPP

·                Analysis of operation of the dry fuel store at Paks NPP

European Union, DG Env.

·                Feasibility study of a waste assay system and the possibility of volume reduction at the Püspökszilágy RWTDF

Ganz Machinery Energetic Works

·                Safety Evaluation Report for the refuelling machines of Paks NPP

·                Evaluation of the refuelling machine for the Greifswald NPP

·                Safety Analysis Report and reliability assessment for the South Ukraine NPP Unit 1 and 2 refuelling machines

IRE, Belgium

·                Use of the existing buildings of the Püspökszilágy RWTDF for temporary storage of radioactive wastes (Subcontractor in the PHARE study)

British Nuclear Fuels, UK

·                Provision of consulting services

Serco Assurance, UK

·                Detailed Study of Waste Retrieval and Disposal Options at the Püspökszilágy RWTDF (Subcontractor in the PHARE study)

Golder Associates (Hungary)

·                Detailed Study of waste generation at NPP Paks